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Is Hollow Man a villain?

Hollow Man is a 2000 science fiction horror thriller film directed by paul verhoeven written by Andrew W. Marlowe , and starring Elisabeth Shue , kevin Bacon , josh brolin , kim Dicken , greg grunberg , joey slotnick , mary Rndle , and William Devane .the film is about sebastian caine a scientist who volunteer to be the first human test subject for a serum that renders the user invisible , when his fellow scientist are unable to restore him back to normal , he becomes increasingly unstable and eventually goes on a king spree , the film received generally negative reviews and grossed $190 million worldwide it was nominated for an Acedemy Award for best visual Effects in 2001 , losing to gladiator Is Hollow Man a villain?


 The story of Hollow Man?

This story is about an old man whose name is Sabastian who was a scientist and had created a formula which could make any human or animal invisible but he did not have the formula to bring them back.Sabastian tries to make a formula which makes him invisible and then visible after 11 months. But he fails. Sabastian makes a formula and after that he calls one of his team members named Linda and tells her that he is using it. he made the formula The

next day, Sebastian calls his entire team to the lab. He had made a female monkey invisible 11 months ago, after which Sebastian gave us the formula to the monkey, which started screaming and then suddenly the money turned

from invisible to visible. Sabastian or his entire team seems to be very happy because they have succeeded in it. Sabastian tells the government of his vision that he or his team has created such a formula which can make people disappear but they do not say anything. Please note that they can 

make those people visible again if the government stops funding them. After that, Sebastian decides that he will become invisible by using that formula, but only for 3 days. His entire teem gets ready for this.Next day everyone

came to the lab and gave that formula to Sebastian, then his bad feeling started getting worse, his heart beat started getting really slow, his bad feeling started disappearing again and so. My team member is a little troubled, his bad guys are given duties for 3 days, every day they go to see Sebastian with him. Sabastian could only be seen through

the  computer monitor in the lab. Today was the day of Sara’s stay in the lab. She slept a little at night and then someone passed by her or someone opened the buttons of her shirt. Sara’s eyes opened wide. The whole monitor is looking at Sebastian’s bed but he is not there to use it. Sebastian is suspicious that he is using it. The next day, when

Jennis goes to the washroom, she is asked to flush. What no one can see, she thinks that Sebastian will be there after 3 days. It will be the day of making Sebastian visible for the first time. His bad will be in his body. That formula is injected and then Sebastian feels a lot of pain but that formula does not reduce his upper body and it remains

invisible. This is how he spends most of the day, Sebastian remains invisible, but behind him, Linda gives him a mask, by wearing which everyone can see, but Sebastian is not allowed to leave the lab. After that, Linda along with

her team started researching to cure Sabastian. For a few days, Sabastian was losing his mind due to being in the lab for long time Sebastian wanted to go to the lab and he wanted to see the outside world, one day he secretly ran away from the lab to his home and then he saw a girl living in his neighborhood whom he liked and whom he had seen

daily before. bad sabastian has rung the doorbell of our girl’s house at that time the girl is taking bath sabastian continue ringing the bell It’s like this girl opens the gate and looks at the spring, but no one is there when Sebastian

enters her house. Then when the girl does makeup in front of the mirror then Sebastian turns his mirror down so that it is invisible so the girl can’t see the use of it and the girl can’t understand what time it is, the mirror changes its position but then the mirror is down.the gril starts getting scared Then Sabastian grabs the girl and gives her a lot of

trouble. Sabastian finds out what’s going on. Then Linda gets sick. Sabastian is not in the lab. Linda goes to Sabastian’s house to find him When Linda comes to his house and finds the face mask that he used, Sebastian comes

back to the lab and everyone asks him why he came out of the lab. Sabastian replies, “I did not come out of the lab again.” Everyone starts trying to find a cure for her. One day Linda was sleeping when someone passed her or pulled

down her blanket and opened the button of her shirt. Then his eyes opened but it was only a dream One day the team members prepare a formula together or say that now Sebastian will be fine then when that formula is applied to him who does not care at all then Sebastian gets angry and says you guys can’t do this to me. I have been enjoying being

invisible for a long time and now I want to come out of the lab one day and watch the camera or monitor of the lab. I am playing the recording and watching it, it seems as if Sebastian has fallen asleep. One day Sabastian runs away to Linda’s house while she is with her husband. Sabastian sees this and breaks the glass of their window and runs away.

Linda becomes suspicious of what Sabastian has done by calling the lab. Is confirmed but recording is going on in the lab monitor it seems that Sebastian is lying in bed everyone thinks that Sebastian is in the lab.One day again Sebastian goes to Linda’s house and troubles her a lot, but this time Linda was completely sure that Sebastian has

come to her house. When she goes to the lab, she checks on the monitor and then to Sebastian, what appears bad is visible on the monitor, but when she goes to the bed , and when she checks on the bed, Sebastian is not there 

Because of him, he calls his entire team and gives all these things. After getting close to Dr. Howard, he gives all these things. Dr. Howard calls all these things for a meeting with the police the next day, but when all these things happen Sabastian finds Dr. Howard in the swimming pool. Sebastian kills Dr. Howard by drowning him in it. The

next day when Linda calls Dr. Howard, she finds out that someone has killed her. She realizes that all this is what Sebastian has done. At the same time, Sebastian has locked our lab from every place and now he has killed his entire team. Wanting to leave no evidence that he is invisible, Sebastian starts killing everyone before he kills Janice and

binds her in a room. They kill everyone, just bind Linda or Matthew in a deep freezer.But Linda chases them both out of there and as soon as Sebastian comes near her she opens fire on him.But Sebastian avoids us or attacks Linda but

from behind Matthew hits Sebastian’s head on the road or saves Linda when Sebastian crosses the road but he accidentally cuts the electric wire or uses it. He gets too much electric shock and then he starts to see but his condition becomes so bad that sebastian will dead

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